Monday, August 13, 2012

Weekend Recap

It's Monday again.

Here's what we were up to this weekend:


C and I both got off work a little early, just in time to beat some 5o'clock traffic on the way out of Charleston. We teamed up with daddy for another quick trip to Florida.
Grandaddy is out of the hospital and into a rehabilitation facility where he will undergo lots and lots of therapy. Hopefully they will have that left leg working again in no time. :)
So great to see him OUT of the hospital, looking better, and chatting it up with his 90+ year-old buddies.
I don't know about you, but I just think old people are the cutest.
Especially my Grandaddy. 


After visiting with the  old man we loaded up and headed home for Charleston.
Daddy raced as fast as he could to get us home in time for a 40th Anniversary concert at the Windjammer.
An awesome 90's band Jupiter Coyote was playing there, and luckily we made it home in just the nick of time. I am so glad we did, it was a really fun concert; although, I was definitely the youngest person there.


Coleman's daddy's birthday!
We cleaned up the house (and the yard with help from my pops) just in time to have Coleman's parents over for supper! We were lucky enough to have his mom prepare literally everything except for the meat C threw on the grill. It was a delicious meal, and I was so happy to be able to host them in our home that they have almost completely furnished for us :)

On a side note, our engagement announcement made its way into Sunday's Post and Courier!

Back to the daily grind. Hope y'all had a great weekend!


1 comment:

  1. Ahh! Love the annoucement. Currently working on mine. Why must they be so pricey? Dumb! Love it!! Making progress!
