Monday, June 8, 2015

Weekend Roundup

So if you made it through to the end of my lengthy Five on Friday post last week, you're going to read this roundup and think I'm a big ole liar. Promise I'm not. Short story is that I suffered from a severe case of FOMO and ended up 60 miles off shore on Saturday.

Let's start from the beginning. While walking to my car Friday afternoon, I received a phone call from a sister (well my only sister) in distress. She was sitting on the patio at California Dreaming in need of a drinking partner. Because California Dreaming easily has the cheapest drinks in town (and I love my sister) I headed right over to get my drink on while we waited on C to bring the boat in. A few hours (and drinks) later I was bullied into committing to this fishing trip. I swear it had nothing to do with the drinks. 

4:00am sure did come early, but the sunrise was beyond. See for yourself.

I almost forgot to mention that Frank made the trip down 
from Columbia for the weekend. #Frankgoesfishing 

It was a super slow day on the water, but Sissy did get her birthday fish! 

Please forgive me for the shitty quality of my iPhone photos. 

After 12 hours at sea, I could barely keep my eyes open for a bite of supper. I swayed myself through a quick shower and promptly went to bed with a head full of wet hair at 8:00pm. 

The nice thing about going to bed before the sun goes down is you get a head start on the next day. Up before the birds on Sunday, I had a full day of shopping ahead.  Among some other great finds, were these: 

Found at TJ Maxx. They will be perfect for Al Pal's wedding in August!

And this perfect dress for the Rehearsal Dinner. 

After all of this shopping for her wedding festivities, I was SO excited to come home to this in the mail! 

It is literally SO perfect and SO Alex. My little Florida Girl. 

Rounded out the day with a bike ride around the neighborhood (you can't beat Charleston's views) and Chinese delivery.  Sounds like a pretty perfect Sunday to me.  Hope y'all had a great weekend too! 



  1. Frank!! I knew y'all would let FOMO get the best of you.

  2. Frank!! I knew y'all would let FOMO get the best of you.

  3. I'm sure Frank was prepared for the high seas after his bath...
