Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Let's talk television.

Now I would never consider myself a TV junkie by any means, but I definitely have a few shows that I enjoy binge watching every week. And I thought it would be fun to let you all in on these gems I fondly refer to as "my programs". (Y'all, that is so my grandmother talking through me.)

Monday night used to be my night for television.   However, that was before How I Met Your Mother had to go and ruin a good thing. I'm not afraid to admit that I'm still a little emotionally scarred from that series finale, and I'm not entirely ready to talk about it, but I will leave it at this: would it have really been too much for them to incorporate the line I had been looking forward to hearing for all of those years? "And that, kids, is how I met your mother." I don't think my expectations were too high....here's looking at  you, Ted Mosby.

Needless to say, Mondays are little less exciting these days without Barney around, but I still get a good kick out of 2 Broke Girls after a long Monday at the office. Max and Caroline's friendship always has me in stitches. And don't even get me started on the Han jokes. Too good. They are just too good. 

I'm not committed to very many shows the rest of the week. But I would be lying by omission if I didn't mention the number of series sitting in my DVR. I keep these bad boys locked and loaded for any free time I find throughout the week. C's working late? No problem, that gives me just enough time to keep up with the Kardashians. (I cannot even wait until the premier of I am Cait.) Every show HGTV produces. A bunch of garbage on TLC (Can we also have a group discussion on what that acronym stands for? The Learning Channel?!) Southern Charm (This shitshow - no pun intended - may need  its entirely own post.) Girls. Blue Bloods. Criminal Minds. (I know, I know, I did complete 180 in genres right there). The list goes on and on. 

Wait. I think right here in this very moment I realized that I may in fact be a TV junkie? No way... right? You tell me....  

Stay tuned, as this very well may become a series in itself.



  1. When you say "programs," though, you have to pronounce it "progrums" like my Mammy and Granny did. Love the post!

    1. You are 100% accurate with that pronunciation. Our Grannies would be so proud.
