Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Very First Date

During my daily blog reading yesterday I stumbled upon a post about the importance of date night. 

Amanda explained how date nights continue to be important in a relationship in order to keep things feeling a little more romantic and a littles less mundane.
I could not agree more.

C and I definitely do not go on date nights every week.
Heck, sometimes not even every month,
but every once in a while I let that boy know that I need something special,
and then we go on a date night :)

It is vital to a live-in relationship like ours... or else you will get to used to the "everyday-ness" of just living with your for real BFF.

Of course, every time we go on a date I think about all the other dates we have been on in the almost three years that we have been together, and almost every time I ask C if he remembers the very first one.

Surprisingly, he always remembers the first dinner date,
but I always have to clarify that there was actually a very first date before the very first dinner date.

a painfully awkward lunch date.
at our fave place, Groucho's Deli.

Where I only ate half of my most favorite sandwhich in the whole wide world
because I didn't want to look like a fatty.
(Now when we go I practically lick my plate)

Where I ordered water instead of my usual most delicious sweet-tea
(who the hell knows why I thought that was appropriate)

and where we awkwardly argued over the tiny two-seat table about him paying for my $8 meal.

Such a very awkward hour or so of our lives.
So awkward that C doesn't even remember it!

But you know what?
If it were not for that very very first date
who knows if the very first dinner date would have ever happened at all.

And because of that,
I sure am glad for Groucho's.



  1. Love Groucho's! We usually have a Sunday lunch date there. :)

  2. i love love love love love love grouchos and I would love you forever you if you mailed me some. seriously. i miss it SO VERY MUCH!!!!!!
