Thursday, September 6, 2012

Its OK Thursday

Its Ok Thursdays

Giving a new linkup, Its OK Thursday from A Complete Waste of Makeup, a try this week!
Grab the button, tell us what's OK with you this week!

Its OK to have dreams about your life 10 years from now.
Its OK to kick a boy out of the bed to make room for puppy dogs.
Its OK to want to eat a whole box of chocolate...
Its OK to buy yourself a new pair of "work shoes" when you are on a strict no-spend budget.
Its OK to want Velveeta cheese shells for dinner every night.
Its OK to the think Honey Boo Boo is the funniest thing you have ever seen!
Its OK to already be wishing for Friday when it is only a four-day week.

What's OK with y'all??



  1. Cameron and I did a mac and cheese contest..I was team Velveeta shells & cheese and he was team Kraft mac & cheese. Obviously, we both thought our own was the winner. But seriously, what kind of person prefers Kraft over Velveeta?!?!?

  2. I even have Tyler loving Honey Boo Boo even though he doesn't want to admit and I NEED Sarge to sleep in the bed with me!!
