Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Wedding Advice

With almost four whole weeks of marriage under our belts,
I have started to reflect back on some of the little and not so little things
that I loved and did not love about our wedding day.

I thought it would be nice to share some of these things with y'all
so that if you are planning your own wedding, helping your bff plans hers,
or just dreaming of a big day, some day, you could have a little insight.

So here it goes:

1. We did not do a first look, and I stand by that decision 100%. I absolutely loved seeing C for the first time when I rounded the corner to walk down that big, beautiful aisle.

2. If you are a bride, you have most certainly heard this one before, but I have to say it:
Shit will go wrong. A lot of this shit you will not even notice, but inevitably it will happen.
I diligently planned for 2 photographers for 10 hours on the day of our wedding.
Photog number 2's child drank something from under the sink the morning of our wedding.
Therefore, we were left with just 1 photographer, and I am sure that I will still be very happy with our professional photos, but of course, had we had 2 photographers, we would have more photos.

3. We did not hire a coordinator. Granted, our caterer was a full-service catering company and they provided us with a sort of go to guy for the reception. This worked out fine. BUT, be sure you prepare a detailed timeline. Make sure your band has it, your go to guy has it, and your photog. has it. Make sure they make you stick to it! That being said, if my budget had allowed for the hiring of a profession day of wedding coordinator, I would have certainly hired one.

4. Make sure your dad knows that you two dance right after you and your groom are finished.
My old man was hanging out by the bar snacking on some celery when it was time for his big moment.
I stood in the middle of the dance floor like a lost puppy waiting on him.
I'm sure that made for some great photos.

5. Do not get sick the week before your wedding and lose more weight than you had anticipated. Your dress will be too big, and you will see yourself pulling that baby up a million times in your video.

After getting into this post, I decided this may be a two-part deal.
These five should be enough for you to sink your mind into for today.
More to come soon!

Mrs. H

1 comment:

  1. Snacking on celery?? bahahaha. Thats hilarious! :) Thanks for the tips!! I have 3 months to go! :)
