Sunday, June 2, 2013

The Time C's Truck Got Stolen

Yes, you read that title correctly. 
I have been meaning to post about this for weeks now, 
but I have been a little busy with life. 

It is so unfair that no one ever really told me that being a grown-up isn't all that easy. 
Mrs. Charlotte had a nice little chat about this little fact the other day. 
I am so glad someone else can relate. 

Back to the title...
The Thursday morning after Mother's Day.. I believe May 8th or 9th..
C walked out of our front door to head to work and found that his precious truck was not where he had left it the night before (our driveway)! It simply was just NOT there. 
The strangest thing that has ever happened to us. 
The night prior, I arrived at home around 10pm from sorting through wedding photos with my mother. When I got to our house C's truck was in the driveway so I parked in the yard beside him knowing that he would need to leave for work a tad earlier that I would the next morning. Hindsight sure is 20/20.. maybe if I had parked behind him it would not have been stolen.. OR maybe my car would have been instead! 

Regardless, I called the police. They came. We filed a report. C called the insurance company and got the ball rolling on filing the claim. Hopefully it will not be much longer before we receive a check for the missing automobile. It seems that the insurance company likes to give the local authorities an entire MONTH to find the thing before they will count it as a total loss. In the meantime, C has been driving a lovely rental car, a Chevy Impalla, and car shopping online every 15 minutes. But, boy, is it hard to shop when you have no idea how much money you will be getting from insurance/ when that check will arrive! 

I know, it is some crazy shit. Life sure is never boring being married to this one. 

Hide yo cars, hide yo trucks, you never know when there are gangstas on the loose in your hood. 

Mrs. H

1 comment:

  1. I totally get this! My car is at dealership and someone rolled up jacked my car up took the tires and rims off my car. Thankfully they are covering it but I feel helpless with out my own car lol! But seriously! Hope you are having a wonderful day!!
