Thursday, June 25, 2015

Thursday Thoughts

What a week it has been.  And, it isn't even over yet.

Please excuse me while I proceed to use as few words as possible today. 
All while still letting you know my true Thursday Thoughts. 

It seems my office is allergic to heat.  
The thermostat is currently set at 70 degrees,
and I have my space heater on full blast in June in Charleston. Normal?

On a similar note...

Can you tell I'm cold yet? Shifting topics....

My dear friend social media has almost been too much for me to handle this week. 
Everyone and their opinions on everything is just way too much.  Of course, in an effort to not have to use my brain for this post, I scoured the world wide web's library of ecards,  but I just couldn't find anything that adequately expressed my feelings. So back to words it is. 

People, just cut it out.  
Write a letter to your state representative. 
Tell your real not facebook friends (who might actually care about your opinions)
 to write to their state representatives, 
but please for the love of all things holy stop clogging up my newsfeed with 52 millions posts a day about the same thing. I guess it  may actually be my fault (albeit, unfortunate) that I am one of the few who are not looking at Facebook to provide me with world news and political information, silly me, I use the actual news for that.  What was I even thinking? 

End rant.  
Thanks for sticking around for that. 


Thoughts for Thursday

1 comment:

  1. I am currently sitting in my office wrapped in a blanket I brought from home. My nail beds are blue.
