Well, there's marriage. I (we've) been figuring that one out for the last two years. Living a sweet little life in the burbs of Charleston (still in the same rental house - more on that later) with our fur children. Remember them?
Buoy on the left. Botany on the right.
We've celebrated two whole years of marital bliss. Which means two anniversaries. Nasty ass year old cake. Paper and cotton gifts.
We did this adorable photo shoot for our first anniversary.
C has kept the same job. I've been a social butterfly when it comes to establishing my career. I spent a brief stint writing for Borrowed & Blue. You can check out some of my posts here. They are all over the place (both figuratively and literally - I mean Top Questions for Boulder Wedding Photographers? This is obviously 95% of why I ditched this hobby). Good news is that I'm working for my beloved Alma Mater now, College of Charleston, with my foot in the door of an industry that I think I can actually see myself growing in.
We've had zero babies. We've been asked 72 times when we're having babies. We have no concrete plan for when we will have babies. I've told my mother, and I'll tell you the same, you can pretty much guarantee the first Hodges child will be a "surprise".
Speaking of babies, our sweet niece was born just a few days before our wedding. And she's coming to visit this weekend, for a month!
Miss Madison from Montana
Two of my besties have gotten engaged. We celebrated Paige and Tyler in April, and we're gearing up to celebrate Alex and Jim on August 1st. With these two nuptials came bachelorette parties in Nashville and Litchfield. These two nuptials have also riled up my wedding addiction again. That's where this new wedding Wednesday series comes into play. More on that next week.
Paige and I. Y'all, if you haven't already, go visit her blog My Blue Haven. She is the midst of full wedding recap, and to say it is a beautiful thing is an understatement.
Adorable Alex & Jim. They are going to make the most stunning bride & groom.
I'm thinking that's a pretty inclusive recap of life right now. Hope I was able to bring you up to speed.
Thanks for the shoutout! And I love that picture of Alex and Jim so much! Give us more life updates please, I like reading about you even if I already know all of this stuff.