Wednesday, October 3, 2012

WW: What "counseling" was like for us

If you remember,
C and I had our pre-marriage counseling 2 weekends ago.
Coleman's birthday weekend.

Originally neither of us were thrilled about spending more than half
of his special weekend at the Church with other couples we didn't know
talking about awkward topics.

To be honest,
we were sort of dreading it.
Looking back now,
that dread was completely uncalled for.
I wouldn't go as far as to say that we had "fun"
but overall, it was a great experience
that I certainly did enjoy.

 I also can't say that I feel like I learned all that much,
but it is important to note that
I can say that I think some of the other couples did.
I truly think the topics covered brought up some things they may have never run up against in their relationships. Coleman and I had already had most of the discussions the counselor viewed as vital. We had already experienced many of the make or break moments.

C and I have known each other for almost 5 years.
We have been "together" as a couple for almost 3 years.
We have lived together for 1 year and 6 months.
We have been engaged for almost 7 of those months.

I know that living together before marriage isn't for everyone,
but it worked and continues to work for us.
And I cannot deny that I think this is the reason
"counseling" went so smoothly for us.

There were no surprises.
We know how the other deals with money.
We share bills.
We know all about each other's crazy families.
We have lived together through the holidays.
We talk about everything.
Maybe because most of the time there is no one else to talk to but.. the dogs.

Living together has brought us so close.
It has put us at a place in our relationship where loving C is so easy.
He is always there for me to snug and to bug
and to ask him whatever question comes to mind
over the many many meals we have shared and prepared together in our kitchen.

For all of you other Bride bloggers,
I hope the counseling experience that you and your groom have
is as great as ours was.


1 comment:

  1. Great post! Cameron and I lived together for a year before we got engaged and I think it was a great choice! You really do learn so much more about a person when you live with them.
