Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Just Wednesday

I already did a little Wedding chatting this week,
so today is just Wednesday.


Sadly, I don't think we will be dressing up this year.
With so much going on it has completely slipped my mind to think about a costume.

we are going to a Halloween supper club tonight!!
Some friends of ours live in the most precious neighborhood ever
with lots of little children running around all the time,
so we will be heading there to eat, drink
and hand out candy!

It is so funny the things that you get excited about as you get older.
3 years ago I would have died to not be going out in a costume on Halloween night!

Here is a glimpse at Halloween 3 years ago.
7 sorority sisters as the 7 deadly sins.
I was gluttony.
Funny, dressed as a chef!

What are your halloween plans this year??


Tuesday, October 30, 2012

a first: tasty tuesday

Yesterday I decided I needed to have tomato pie.
Then I decided I should share this thought with C.

His response:
"YES. YES. YES. YES. YES. and how about some fried chicken too?"

That boy loves tomato pie,
and he hates tomatoes?
Strange I know.

So, for the second time every I ventured out to make some tomato pie.
I worked from the Paula Deen recipe,
but held back a little on the mayo
(I still think there was a little too much even when using 3/4 cup)
and left out the onions.

Promise you will love it!


Monday, October 29, 2012

Fast Forward Please?

Monday is here, and for once I don't hate it.
Because the sooner Monday comes and goes,
the sooner the rest of the week can come and go.

We have our very first party this weekend!
I could not be more excited!!
So thankful to my sister, brother-in-law,
and besties Alex and Paige
 for making this happen for us!
We are so incredibly lucky to have such loving friends and family.

Hurry up, weekend!


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Wedding Wednesday: Tux Edition

Last night C and I made a little trip to Men's Wearhouse.

I heard so many great things about how simple the tux renting process is there,
and Coleman has experienced it first hand.
So, we decided if it ain't broke don't fix it.
Simply, we would be using Men's Wearhouse for our tuxedo rental needs.

I highly recommend if you are not sure where to go!

Here is what we decided.

Coleman will be wearing full dress tails.
White bow tie.
White pique vest.

Joseph & Feiss Full Dress Tails

The rest of our handsome group
will be wearing a classic black tux
with black cummerbund
black bow tie
and suspenders.

Calvin Klein Black Tuxedo

What do y'all think?
I am already swooning over Coleman's look.
I can't wait!


Monday, October 22, 2012

Monday Monday

Happy Monday?
Back to work again :(
How much longer until I can retire?

C and I had a fabulous day yesterday!
We took our newly engaged besties
Fleet and Ellen
out for a little Sunday afternoon
Champagne boat cruise!

Here are some pictures from the excursion.

Sorry for the picture overload, but I had to share!
I thought they were all so great of our little adventure.

Coleman and I are so excited for our sweet friends
who officially have a date set!
May 4, 2013,
Coleman will be standing next to Fleet
as he says I do to Ellen!


We ended the evening in the deer stand.
Of course, given my hunting luck we saw nothing. :(

Hope y'all have a great week!


Thursday, October 18, 2012

Wedding Thursday?

Work has been so busy lately.
I can't believe I miss Wedding Wednesday!

I'm sure you are dying for some updates
so to tie you over,
I will have to "borrow" Charlotte's idea from yesterday
Registry Faves!!

Eat your hearts out.
I am obsessed with our registries,
and I was jumping up and down at my desk on Monday
when I discovered our first gift has been purchased!
Thank you anonymous gift giver!!

everything via Pottery Barn

Caterer's Table Runner

Maxfield Napkin Ring, Set of 4

Glass Drink Dispenser

Chancellor Rectangular Tray

Hotel Cocktail Shaker

Chancellor Charger

Silver-Plated Hurricanes

Every single one of these images make me swoon.
Oh, Pottery Barn.

I will stop while I'm ahead in order to prevent posting the entire registry.

Happy Thursday, y'all.
Almost Friday!


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Barry Beaux: For the Men in Your Life!

A dear friend of mine from high school,
Frances Barry,
is doing big things!

She has started her very own company
designing and making by hand the most
fabulous fashion pieces for the men in our lives.

Barry Beaux got its official start back in 2009
when fashion-forward Frances felt inspired to make one-of-a-kind
pieces for her daddy, her brother, and her boy.

Well, thank goodness for those boys,
because if it were not for them
Barry Beaux may have never been.
And trust me,
when you see how cute these designs are
you sure are going to be glad that she felt so inspired.

Here I am with an assortment of some of her handmade designs!

I cannot help but share some of my favorites!

If you are anything like me,
you have already fallen in love.
Check out her website,,
or visit her on Facebook and Etsy
for more information.

I just know the men in your lives would love
to have a sweet, original, preppy,
and hand made gift this holiday season.

Happy Shopping!


Monday, October 15, 2012

Monday Monday

It is Monday, again.

We had a low key weekend.
Lots of cleaning around the house
and work in the yard.

Got a manicure yesterday.
It is truly amazing how wonderful
a manicure will make you feel!

I'm obsessed.

Have a great week, y'all!


Friday, October 12, 2012


When I am feeling under the weather
and having a rough day
nothing makes me feel better
than some hilarious

Here are a few that are making me silently chuckle
at my desk on this Friday afternoon. 

all via pinterest

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Enough for now.
Its almosttt the weekend!

Have a good one!


Thursday, October 11, 2012

Sick and Happy

This is how I feel today.
Except I am not at home in my bed.
I really wish I was!!

Working hard to try and fight off whatever cold/sinus infection is attacking me.
Even wore my glasses (eek) to work today because my eyes are dying.
Thank goodness it is almost Friday!

On a happier note,
Our sweet friends got engaged last night!!!
SO excited for them.

Aren't they adorable?
And today is her birthday!
Too too sweet.
SO happy for them!


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Save the Dates

It is Wednesday again!
Thank goodness...that much closer to the weekend.

Last week I shared that our Save the Dates were on their way
to the mailboxes of our friends and family members.

I think that most if not all of them have been received!
So I thought I would share.

Of course,
I am a dumbie and did not take a photo
even though I have been planning to post this for days.

Fortunately for me,
my girl Chelsy tweeted a photo of hers upon its arrival.

Here it is!!
(Charleston, South Carolina is the bottom line)

I am still so happy with them
and trust me it took a long of hard work
to pick the final product out!

They came equipped with a small card
with a beautiful script H
and our wedding website.

I will try to post a photo of the final product soon
even our cute return address stamp!!

Have a great Hump Day.


Monday, October 8, 2012


Happy Birthday to me today!

although I am sitting at my desk this morning :(

We had a great weekend in Columbia!
Sure am glad I pretended to be a Gamecock fan!

back to work and my pumpkin spice latte.


Thursday, October 4, 2012

Thursday Randoms

Thank goodness it is Thursday.
This will be my last random post of the week --
headed to Columbia for a work conference tomorrow morning.
and then...
staying for the weekend!!!

bestie Paige lives in Cola town
and she has graciously gifted us with tickets
to the biggest game of the year.

#5 University of Georgia
#6 University of South Carolina

I could not be more excited!!!!

You see, I was raised to bark and yell sic 'em.
I have always been a Georgia fan
but since meeting Coleman
things have gotten a little complicated. 
That man bleeds garnet and black
a "gamechicken" through and through. 

So, of course I love Carolina too and I root for them both equally
but there comes one day a year when they play each other 
in the South Carolina/Georgia Border Battle. 
and we get to go!!!! 
big deal for us. 

I will be wearing garnet and black 
to please my future husband 
and our gracious weekend hosts. 
Paige's daddy would probably die if he saw any red at his tailgate. 

and I guess...
I will just be cheering the whole game through, 
whenever anyone does anything?
We will see how this goes.

so in the meantime, 
go SEC?

Have a great weekend y'all!

p.s.- Save the Dates are arriving in peoples' mailboxes as we speak!
p.p.s- my birthday is Monday! 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

WW: What "counseling" was like for us

If you remember,
C and I had our pre-marriage counseling 2 weekends ago.
Coleman's birthday weekend.

Originally neither of us were thrilled about spending more than half
of his special weekend at the Church with other couples we didn't know
talking about awkward topics.

To be honest,
we were sort of dreading it.
Looking back now,
that dread was completely uncalled for.
I wouldn't go as far as to say that we had "fun"
but overall, it was a great experience
that I certainly did enjoy.

 I also can't say that I feel like I learned all that much,
but it is important to note that
I can say that I think some of the other couples did.
I truly think the topics covered brought up some things they may have never run up against in their relationships. Coleman and I had already had most of the discussions the counselor viewed as vital. We had already experienced many of the make or break moments.

C and I have known each other for almost 5 years.
We have been "together" as a couple for almost 3 years.
We have lived together for 1 year and 6 months.
We have been engaged for almost 7 of those months.

I know that living together before marriage isn't for everyone,
but it worked and continues to work for us.
And I cannot deny that I think this is the reason
"counseling" went so smoothly for us.

There were no surprises.
We know how the other deals with money.
We share bills.
We know all about each other's crazy families.
We have lived together through the holidays.
We talk about everything.
Maybe because most of the time there is no one else to talk to but.. the dogs.

Living together has brought us so close.
It has put us at a place in our relationship where loving C is so easy.
He is always there for me to snug and to bug
and to ask him whatever question comes to mind
over the many many meals we have shared and prepared together in our kitchen.

For all of you other Bride bloggers,
I hope the counseling experience that you and your groom have
is as great as ours was.


Tuesday, October 2, 2012


It is finally my favorite month of the year.
My birthday.
Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness, I want to share with y'all a post I wrote almost a year and a half ago.
It goes without saying that breast health is so vitally important.
Check those boobies out, ladies!
and read my story here.
