Hope you enjoy!
1. How long have you been blogging? And what got you started on blogging? Has your blog changed?
I started blogging shortly after graduation (May 2011) hoping that someone would stumble upon my blog, think I was great writer, and give me a job writing my own column. We all can see how well that plan worked out. HA!
It clearly changed after I got my first real job...said job had potential to be very boring on most days, and my bestie Marla encouraged me to use that downtime to blog! Shes a smarty-pants.
2. Did you go to college? If so where, and what did you study?
I went to the College of Charleston in Charleston, SC where I studied Communication Media Studies and Philosophy. ( Funny Story: I chose a minor in Philo. because, at the time, it was my life goal to have my own TV talk show. I thought if people knew I was fluent in philosophy that would mean I was a great thinker and therefore I would have tons of great things to talk about on air. Another HA for today.)
3. Where have you traveled?
US Virgin Islands, Dominican Republic, a few spots in Mexico, the Florida Keys, New Orleans, Washington D.C, NYC, and other various places in VA, NC, SC, GA, and FL.
Currently deciding where we should go on our honeymoon! Somewhere tropical. Any suggestions?
4. If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you would buy?
Forget buying something, I would pay off my student loans, then pay for the wedding, and thennnn buy myself a Tahoe. Let's be for real, if I'm winning the lottery, I better win BIG.
5. What are your 3 biggest pet peeves?
1.Wearing white after Labor Day/before Easter. Yes, even in Charleston.
2. People making weird/gross noises with their mouths. Hard to explain but...ew.
3. People running their mouths about College Football when in reality they have no idea what they are
speaking of. Go Dawgs.
6. What is your favorite movie?
The Blind Side.
I also wouldn't mind being Leigh Anne Tuohy when I grow up.
7. What is your drink of choice; wine, beer, or liquor. Or Water, Soda, Tea?
Wine: Pinot Grigio or Malbec.
Beer: Shocktop.
Liquor: Burbon and water orrrr a Margarita on the rocks with salt.
Diet Coke rules all.
8. What is something you enjoy to do when you have me time?
Taking buble baths with a glass of wine.
Playing with the pups.
Going to Target.
Shopping in general.
9. If you could have a $10,000 shopping spree to one store, which store would it be?
That is a toughy and my answer may be differnt tomorrow, but as of today..
C Wonder.
10. Share with us an embarrassing moment of your past? Or present.
There are too many.
11. What day would you love to relive again?
Right now I have to say the day we got engaged...Valentine's Day 2012, but ask me again in 9ish months and I'm almost positive I will say our WEDDING day, April 6, 2013.
12. If your life was turned into a movie... what actor would play you?
Reese Witherspoon, please.
13. What are the jobs you had in high school/college/the early years?
In high school I had the awful experience of woking at Yankee Candle in the mall.
I was a camp counselor for 3 summers.
College summers: bev cart girl at the country club, legal assistant, bridal consultant.
14. Show us a picture from high school or college.
Me and Lucy at High School graduation.
Not my favorite picture, but me and Lucy and my College graduation party.

15. If you could travel anywhere in the world, all expenses paid, where would you go?
Bora Bora.
16. Show us the most current picture of you or you, or your family, or anything of meaning to you.
Me and Coleman at Charleston Affair back in May.

17. Where do you see your life 5 years from now?
Married duh. And maybe working on baby #1?
That's a weird thought -- we will see!
Hope you enjoy!